

- インクは12~18カ月以内に使い切ってください。
- 万年筆は必ず密閉キャップを使用して閉じてください。
- 筆記具を極端な温度(氷点下や極度の熱)にさらさないでください。
- 万年筆のクリーニングの際、液体石鹸や洗剤などの添加物は絶対に使用しないでください。
インク 4001 ロイヤルブルー
毎日使用している万年筆は、年に一度、ぬるま湯で洗浄を行ってください(洗剤、添加剤の使用は避けてください) これを行うには、吸入ノブを右に回してペン先から水を十分吸い上げ、ノブを反対方向に回して水を再び放出します。

COLORED INKS (except for Royal Blue)
Colored ink contains a higher amount of pigments than only blue ink. So, in case you are using colored inks, your fountain pen will need to be cleaned more often.
Due to its characteristics, this special ink is also called “India® ink for fountain pens”. Among other things, it contains a higher ratio of soot, which settles in the fine capillaries of the ink regulator. Leaving the pen open, without putting the cap back on when you are finished writing, will anticipate the process. What happens is that the watery carrier fluid evaporates much faster and the solids, e.g., the soot, sediment in the fountain pen. Consequently, the ink becomes thicker and gathers in the capillary grooves of the ink regulator and the fine capillaries of the piston filling mechanism. To make a long story short: it will stop up your fountain pen. Therefore, if you only need your fountain pen every once in a while, we recommend you to only partly fill up the ink reservoir and best rinse it under lukewarm water every 3 to 5 months (leaving away additives).